Sports and entertainment centers in Uskudar
Credit card payment
WC for people with disabilities
Bizimtepe Sports Education A. Hisar Educate
Bizimtepe Sports Education A. Hisar Educate
Business hours unknown
Sports and entertainment center
İstanbul, Besiktas, Kuruçeşme Mah., Bizim Tepe Çk. Sok.
Balmumcu Park Basketball Court
Balmumcu Park Basketball Court
Business hours unknown
Sports and entertainment center
İstanbul, Besiktas, Balmumcu Mah., Arzu Çk. Sok.
Hakkı Yeten Football Infrastructure Facilities
Hakkı Yeten Football Infrastructure Facilities
Business hours unknown
Sports and entertainment center
İstanbul, Besiktas, Hakkı Yeten Cad., 2A
Basketbol Sahası
Basketbol Sahası
Business hours unknown
Sports and entertainment center
İstanbul, Besiktas, Mecidiye Mah.
Turkey Is Bank Sports Facilities
Turkey Is Bank Sports Facilities
Business hours unknown
Sports and entertainment center
İstanbul, Uskudar, Ord. Prof. Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Cad., 51E
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