Breeding and seed production in Kyiv
Credit card payment
Kompaniya Monsanto Ukraina
Kompaniya Monsanto Ukraina
Closed until tomorrow
Breeding and seed production
Volodymyrska Street, 101, пов. 5
Kompaniya Pioner Semena Ukraina
Kompaniya Pioner Semena Ukraina
Closed until tomorrow
Breeding and seed production
Spaska Street, 30, пов. 7, БЦ Подол Плаза
Kompaniya Syngenta
Kompaniya Syngenta
Closed until tomorrow
Breeding and seed production
Kozatska Street, 120/4, этаж 3
Agro Khim
Agro Khim
Closed until tomorrow
Breeding and seed production
Yevhena Sverstiuka Street, 23
TM Elitsortnasinnya
TM Elitsortnasinnya
Closed until tomorrow
Breeding and seed production
Mikhaila Boichuka Street, 30А
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