Charity funds in Kyiv
Razvitiye Ukrainy
Razvitiye Ukrainy
Closed until tomorrow
Charity fund
Illinska Street, 8, БЦ Ильинский
Blagotvoritelnaya organizatsiya Mezhdunarodny blagotvoritelny fond Vernis zhivym
Blagotvoritelnaya organizatsiya Mezhdunarodny blagotvoritelny fond Vernis zhivym
Closed until tomorrow
Charity fund
Lva Tolstoho Street, 8А
Mezhdunarodny blagotvoritelny fond Inshe zhittia
Mezhdunarodny blagotvoritelny fond Inshe zhittia
Closed until tomorrow
Charity fund
Shovkovychna Street, 30
Blagotvoritelnaya organizatsiya Happy Paw
Blagotvoritelnaya organizatsiya Happy Paw
Closed until tomorrow
Charity fund
Shota Rustaveli Street, 44
Elena Pinchuk Antiaids Foundation
Elena Pinchuk Antiaids Foundation
Closed until tomorrow
Charity fund
Mechnykova Street, 2, этаж 27
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