Theater and circus education in Kyiv
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Prodyusersky tsentr Abstar vision
Prodyusersky tsentr Abstar vision
Opens in 28 min
Producer center
улица Александра Довженко, 44
Teatralny kruzhok
Teatralny kruzhok
Closed until tomorrow
Theater and circus education
Heroiv Stalinhrada Avenue, 18
Teatr tantsev Black O! Range
Teatr tantsev Black O! Range
Opens in 28 min
Theater and circus education
Mikhaila Boichuka Street, 34
ProEnglish theatre
ProEnglish theatre
Closed until 11:00 AM
Foreign language courses
Smolenska Street, 3
Teatralny kruzhok shou miniatyur
Teatralny kruzhok shou miniatyur
Open until 6:00 PM
Theater and circus education
Holosiivskyi Avenue, 120В, Гимназия № 179
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