Нежность запечённого куриного филе и хрустящий лаваш, которые прекрасно дополнены свежими овощами — огурцами, помидорами и пекинской капустой. Острый перец халапеньо добавляет блюду пикантности, а два вида соуса — домашний и турецкий острый — вносят
Not only was I told to wait only 7 minutes (I waited 20, and there were no orders before me), but when I tried to cut the sauce leaked out (as if the standard was diluted 2-3 times with water). I took it with me, I did not see it myself (it was quickly packed), in the photo the "finished" product was taken 5 minutes after I took it. The only good thing is that there is enough chicken, but it turned out to be tasteless. After 10 minutes, activated charcoal was needed..
See original · Русский
Дмитрий В.
Level 8 Local Expert
January 16
A normal snack, lots of chicken.
See original · Русский
Роман Плясунов
Level 2 Local Expert
May 30, 2024
We ordered shawarma, the shawarma is all watery, it all spread out over the package, we ordered 4 shawarma with a bonus, 3 came☹️