Лечебный массаж усиливает местное кровообращение, способствует оттоку лимфы из тканей и внутренних органов, стимулирует работу иммунной системы. Массаж оказывает комплексное лечебное воздействие на организм.
I want to share my experience of treating Tatiana Viktorovna Sorokina (I came complaining of depression and increased anxiety, the effects of covid, the postoperative period, including scars, a bunch of chronicles of almost all organs and body systems.
I was offered a comprehensive approach that included hirudotherapy, hijama, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, and acupuncture. This path turned out to be a real discovery for me and became a turning point in my life.
At first, I was full of doubts. How can such unusual methods help me cope with my "inner demons"? But after going through all the stages of treatment, I realized that each of these treatment methods has its own unique value and makes an important contribution to the overall recovery.
I sincerely recommend Tatiana Viktorovna as a first-class specialist and professional in her field! This comprehensive approach is suitable for anyone who is looking for ways to recover.
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Olga Korneeva
Level 2 Local Expert
May 2, 2024
I would like to express my gratitude to Tatyana Viktorovna Sorokina for the highest level of professionalism, attention, and an integrated approach to each patient. I was impressed by the large arsenal of methods used by Tatyana Viktorovna, their precise and dosed use. During the treatment, I was given leeches, needles, magnets, a laser and cans. I want to say about the latter separately. The procedure is called hijama. This is an ancient Ayurvedic method that perfectly copes with stagnation of all kinds in the body. I had chronically overstressed upper back muscles. Massage, sauna, gymnastics did not help much. After the first installation of cans on this area, I felt a strong sense of relief and a surge of strength. The back straightened, the neck stretched out. Banks force overstressed muscles to relax and pull stagnant capillary blood from the place of their placement (for sure, they do a lot more, because I'm talking like a layman). In general, I recommend them to everyone even as a preventive measure in our life full of stress and physical inactivity! And I recommend Girud's office Plus! I decided for myself that I would visit there regularly to maintain my health!
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Eduard R.
Level 2 Local Expert
August 19, 2024
Hello, I am 23 years old. Since the beginning of 2023, around February, hemorrhoids began to bother me. Without hesitation, I decided to seek help from a proctologist. I was offered conservative treatment (candles, ointments, venotonics). The treatment did not help, I was getting worse and the nodes only continued to grow. As a result, the same doctor performed laser vaporization surgery on me. I am in a state of despair and, yielding to assurances about the simplicity of manipulation, I agreed. In August, an operation was performed in the 2nd GKB. And then the most interesting thing began. It didn't get any easier for me, it got a lot worse. In the first month, varicocele also appeared, which had never existed before! Now it wasn't just painful for me to sit down. Banal walking caused a sharp cutting pain, like any physical activity, including the usual pull-ups. I had to completely abandon any sport and physical education in general. My doctor (surgeon) fed me promises that the recovery period after surgery takes up to 6 months. When those 6 months passed and I only got worse, he just stopped responding to my messages. Around February-March 2024, I applied to the Department of Proctology, where all the "specialists" unanimously convinced me that everything was fine with me and said that this pain was neurogenic, that is, from the spine, and everything was just perfect in the field of surgery. By the will of fate, in July, I turned to Giruda Plus to Tatyana Viktorovna for a consultation. I learned great things, for example about a huge scar in the area of the operated node, which no one told me about (!) I hadn't even mentioned it before. This is the kind of "collegiality" in our country among proctologists, including department doctors. Obviously, the operation was carried out very rudely and poorly, in order to conceal this fact, they tried to "shove" me into the hands of a neurologist. Speaking of treatment, at the moment I am already finishing the 1st course of hirudotherapy (about 15 sessions), the first results were already for 5-6 sessions, the pain significantly decreased, from a conditional 7-8 out of 10 to 2-3 out of 10. You can say it was no longer pain, but a slight discomfort. The situation has improved both with varicocele and with the scar itself, which has become much softer and already presses much less and injures adjacent tissues. I finally believed that I could return to a normal life. I plan to repeat the course of treatment in 2 months.
Conclusion: Do not rush to make surgical interventions with regard to your veins, because even in the best case, this will only temporarily remove the symptoms without affecting the root of the problem. In my case, these were intestinal problems, the connection of which was not mentioned by any (!) of the so-called "specialists" to whom I had previously addressed. Many thanks to Tatiana Viktorovna for her professional help, do not repeat my mistakes.