Kombo solo (file) - 43.000=40.000
400 gr tovuq filesi, 0.5 L Cola, sous 1ta ( tomatni yoki sarimsoqli)
40000 сўм1 pcs.
Kombo solo (qanot)
Kombo solo (qanot) - 41.000=38.000
400 gr tovuq qanoti, 0.5 L Cola, sous 1ta ( tomatni yoki sarimsoqli)
38000 сўм1 pcs.
Kombo dabl (file)
Kombo dabl (file) - 90.000=85.000
900 gr tovuq filesi, 1.0 L Cola, sous 2ta ( tomatni va sarimsoqli)
85000 сўм1 pcs.
Kombo dabl (qanot)
Kombo dabl (qanot) - 85.000=80.000
900 gr tovuq qanoti, 1.0 L Cola, sous 2ta ( tomatni va sarimsoqli)
80000 сўм1 pcs.
Kombo Fur Fazo
Kombo Fur Fazo - 193.000=179.000
1 kg tovuq filesi, 1 kg tovuq qanoti, 1.0 L Cola va 1.5 L Cola, sous 2ta ( tomatni va sarimsoqli)
2kg file bo'lsa 198.000=184.000
2kg qanot bo'lsa 188.000=174.000
179000 сўм1 pcs.
Tovuq go'shti (file)
Qovurilgan tovuq felesi.
75000 сўм1 kg
Tovuq go'shti (qanot)
Qovurilgan tovuq qanotchalari.
70000 сўм1 kg
Tomatli sous
Tomatli sous
5000 сўм1 pcs.
Sous (sarimsoqli)
Sous (sarimsoqli)
5000 сўм1 pcs.
Hasn't been updated for a while.Source: Representative of the organization