They show clean and beautiful cars, but in reality they send unwashed and dirty cars. I asked to wash the car, and then the problems began. They said that we do not wash cars. How can you see if the paintwork on a dirty car is damaged? They said that we always send cars like this, dirty under a layer of sand and dust. Manager Akhmet Yesenov behaved extremely disrespectfully towards me as a buyer. He began to wipe the dirty car with a wet rag. Horror. This man has no idea how to properly wash a car. Maybe a donkey should be washed like that, but a car, no. He offered to come pick up the money, knowing that I was in another country. I asked to contact the management, to which he was sent. Such people should not work in reputable companies. I hope the company's management will take action against this employee.
Показывают чистые и красивые авто, а как на деле оказалось отправляют не мытые и грязные автомобили. Попросил помыть автомобиль, и тут начались проблемы. сказали что мы автомобили не моём,. Как можно увидеть повреждено ли покрасочное покрытие на грязном автомобиле ? Сказали всегда так отправляем, грязными под слоем песка и пыли. Менеджер Ахмет есенов повёл себя крайне не уважительно ко мне как к покупателю. Стал вытирать загрязнённый автомобиль мокрой тряпкой. ужас. этот человек понятия не имеет как правильно мыть автомобиль. может осла так и надо мыть, но автомобиль, нет. Предложил приехать забрать деньги, зная что я нахожусь в другой стране. Попросил связаться с руководством, на что был послан. Такие люди не должны работать в солидных фирмах. Надеюсь руководство компании примет меры по отношению к данному сотруднику
Софья Ястребова
Level 2 Local Expert
June 10, 2024
We bought a car this year, unfortunately we were disappointed. The car was repainted, although it was declared as new, it was purchased at full cost. After the situation is discovered, they do not get in touch, the complaint is not satisfied. We did not think that such a thing could happen to a large car dealership. I would like to settle the issue somehow. I strongly do not recommend anyone to work with this car dealership
See original · Русский
kurmankul Baratova
Level 6 Local Expert
May 5, 2023
The range is wide, mostly only new cars, a lot of people do not have time to manage , they offer their Cargo cheaper , and as soon as you pay the money , the cargo will immediately be raised by 100 dollars , and they promise to take it out almost on the same day , but they take it out only after 5 days