As soon as the girl came. There were huge queues for goods. It works very slowly. It takes a long time to find the product. You have to stand for an hour on a normal weekday, not a holiday. Even during the day, he manages to create a queue. The boy works much faster.
See original · Русский
Level 5 Local Expert
October 2, 2024
On October 2, I came to the pick-up point, the guy bringing me my goods kicked a chair that flew off into the table, rolled his eyes, behaved aggressively. As a girl, it was scary for me to be around him, because it felt like he had a diagnosis, and it was better not to touch him at all.
See original · Русский
Елена Ванага
Level 8 Local Expert
March 14
Overall, it's a good pick-up point. But it all depends on who is working. When girls are working, the queue is just a kilometer long.Guys are much faster to issue orders and without queues