хостел понравился. персонал вежливый. номера есть для двоих/троих человек. в номерах чисто, есть кондиционер. на кухне имеется всё необходимое: посуда, столовые приборы, холодильник и т.д. удобное местоположение, в самом центре.
I liked the hostel. the staff are polite. Rooms are available for two/three people. The rooms are clean and equipped with air conditioning. In the kitchen there is everything you need: dishes, cutlery, refrigerator, etc. the hostel is located near the center.
See original
Боб Денар
Level 10 Local Expert
September 20, 2023
A great hostel. Warsaw is a 10-minute walk away and the central one is a 10-minute walk away. There is everything nearby. Shops, bars.