Classic Turkish marketing - manipulation, pressure and passive aggression 👌🏻
As a rule, this store is lured by the promise of a free transfer to the Mall of Antalya, with the words: "It will be necessary to come to our store, take a walk for 20 minutes, it is not necessary to buy, and from there 2 minutes to the shopping center." In fact, they begin to process you from the threshold (we expected, but still were not ready)). They immediately told us what we needed - this was not in the assortment, but just in case we went to look. Tip: if you did not like anything SO much that you are definitely ready to buy, do not "weigh it". I managed to try on a jacket, although there was no need for it, and in general there were other plans for shopping. In addition, in Russia you can buy no worse for less money. It cannot be said that the quality of their skin is high. But the consultant made such a sad look at each of our refusals that I succumbed. As a result, she called some guy who called himself the director, and he began to press us. We had to pretend that their prices did not suit us, after which, with the words "escort the guests", we were taken out to the backyard (This is such a primitive demonstration). We walked back and went out where we needed to. The mood, of course, was spoiled, so I don't recommend this store to anyone, even if you need outerwear.
See original · Русский
Елена Калашникова
Level 9 Local Expert
September 13, 2022
Нет, нет, и ещё раз нет!!! Потеря времени и настроения. 🤦🏼♀️Не нашли нужную вещь, потому что точно знали, что нужно. Но нам пытались "втюхать" хоть что-то, на чем задержался взгляд. Качество большинства изделий на очень дешёвый рынок, но с претензией на "дорого-богато". Управляющей(?) НЕЛЬЗЯ самой мерить некоторые изделия для демонстрации!!! Она выглядит гораздо круче "дишманского" товара 😁 Консультантам нужно более профессионально подбирать свои духи, чтобы не "сшибать" клиентов душниловом. Когда сказали, что ничего покупать не будем, выставили из заведения "Выход налево"💥
И потрясающий настоящий вонючий КУРЯТНИК недалеко от входа. Честно-честно курятник. Или для Анталии это норм?...
О, да - рояль в чехле с табличкой "НЕ ТРОГАТЬ!" 😅