I put four only for a mega colossal range of leather goods and other products.
Otherwise, the store left mixed feelings, you will be presented with products of not the highest quality from an outdated model range at an unjustifiably high price.
But at the same time, you are greeted as an expensive customer who is ready to spend a substantial amount ...
Therefore, you should not consider visiting this store as an opportunity to get to other Antalya stores for free without being ready to literally reject annoying sellers.
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Chingiz Khalmatov
Level 2 Local Expert
July 13
😅, they write so much negativity, why do you go there then, in general, for Turkish leather of normal quality 200-220$ is a normal price, who told you that in this store the leather is from the basement. 20,000 rubles for an almost clearly copied original of brands is the norm. Is it possible to find the same quality cheaper in Moscow? Of course not. Anyone who understands leather will understand. As before, the guy in the Snow Queen wrote the same prices, only the quality there is worse than in the Bison (whoever fumbles in the skin will understand). Therefore, the store is quite normal, it is necessary to bargain and drink coffee without hesitation.
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и п
Level 22 Local Expert
October 17
A good place to purchase high-quality leather! There are large sizes! Nice staff! They bring and take away for free even if you haven't bought things from them! We must always bargain! But it is necessary to argue for this!