Том ям, кокосовое молоко, креветки королевские, шиитаке, лук-шалот, мидии зеленые, кальмар, кинза, базилик, перец чили, листья лайма, рис, масло подсолнечное
35 Br420 g
Тартин Оливковый
Пшеничный хлеб с оливками и сыром пармезан длительного брожения со свежесмолотой цельнозерновой мукой на натуральной пшеничной закваске без добавления промышленных дрожжей. Идеален для раннего ужина, как отдельное блюдо, так и в сочетании с сыром, ав
A wonderful place where you can eat very tasty food and socialize in a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere. I would especially like to mention the quality of service. The food is served very quickly, the waiters are attentive and create an atmosphere of friendly communication.The kitchen is worthy of the highest rating. This is definitely one of my favorite places in Minsk
See original · Русский
Диана Романчик
Level 12 Local Expert
January 10
Like it. Both food and drinks. Pretty concise design. The service is fast and high-quality. Clean and tidy. The music in the background adds integrity to the overall picture. Any meal will be appropriate in this establishment. There's nothing to find fault with, definitely yes.