I drew attention to the unhealthy appearance of the gums, decided to contact this clinic, which I strongly regretted, since I had to face surprisingly boorish and cruel treatment by a doctor (I'm afraid to imagine brave people who can trust this, ahem, specialist(?)
Upon arrival at the clinic, I immediately drew attention to the communication between the client and the medical registrar, and came to the conclusion that the patient did not know at all how much money was being withdrawn from his account and for what, the patient was surprised and asked to show evidence of the procedures performed and the price list. Agree, an unhealthy relationship between honey. the organization and the recipient of the services.
Further, after taking a picture of my mouth, I had to go under the knife to this abnormal person, from the first seconds I felt some kind of disregard for my person and hatred for his business and everything around me in general.
I politely asked to explain what stones in the oral cavity this doctor was talking about, to which he forcefully began to tear my gums with a sharp device, which subsequently caused so much blood to flow from my mouth..It was as if he was not carefully showing the presence of stones, but wanted to do as much harm as possible, between the lines, as if saying "don't ask stupid questions."
Further, after I realized that in addition to the gums, I needed to work out the fillings, I said that I did not have the funds for this yet, at the moment I would only do cleaning. As it turned out, this clinic is not engaged in cleaning, and in this regard, I again caught a portion of hatred. After my logical question about where I could do a high-quality cleaning, this person began to teach me about life and tell me who my parents were, that his clients for 60 years did not ask such questions, and in general, the main question that interested him was WHY I HAD SUCH a SOVIET UPBRINGING. Be prepared for this doctor to first cross all personal boundaries and jump on personalities (maybe he's drunk), listen to how you were wrongly raised all your life, but to be honest, I did not turn to this desk for these services. And if you are reading this, an unfinished accountant, then it is not for a person with an orphanage level of education to teach others something ;)
I probably won't go to court for causing harm, for some reason I'm almost sure that soon this costumed nurse's license will be taken away anyway, because Only mentally and psychologically healthy people should work with people