A shock that is difficult to handle! Faced with rudeness. Employee P.A. Sheiko considers it acceptable to raise his voice, I would even say to YELL at customers. I would like to receive instructions from him on how to drive in slushy weather, when there is mud and puddles all around, while sparkling clean.
The diagnosis of the car was carried out so meticulously that even the expiration date of the non-sterile bandage was checked. Naturally, the permit was not issued and the reason for this was a flaw that had previously been passed more than once! It is very interesting, what percentage of cars successfully pass maintenance at this station? And what is the point? Earn extra money on a second checkup? Apparently a very profitable business strategy 👍🏼
With that, I say goodbye to this place forever!
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Константин Посметухов
Level 11 Local Expert
June 27, 2023
Хорошая станция с быстрым обслуживанием. Очередь небольшая. Персонал вежливый. Отдельное спасибо, за советы для быстрого устранения недочётов
Юлия Загорская
Level 8 Local Expert
July 28, 2023
Вполне хорошее место, быстро провели проверку. Приезжали на BMW i3. Был небольшой недочет по фаре, но пообещали исправить и нам поставили отметку о прохождении.