Откатные ворота с заполнением жалюзи "под ключ" - бетонное основание, автоматический привод Nice (Италия), комплектующие Брама-Бокс, заполнение полотна - секции жалюзи. Гарантия 3 года. Договор, любая форма оплаты
2500 Br
Изготовление и установка ворот / калиток - автоматические ворота в Минске
Изготовление и монтаж автоматических ворот от производителя. Гарантия до 3 лет. Консультация, подготовка сметы, договор. Только надёжная автоматика.
1300 Br
Комплектующие для откатных ворот Brama-Box (Брама-Бокс)
Фурнитура для изготовления откатных ворот с проемом до 5 метров и весом до 500кг, направляющая балка длиной 5, 6 и 7 м - 60/70/3,5мм. Гарантия до 10 лет!
I am from the city of Baranovichi, I was looking for a sliding gate, the prices in the city are exorbitant, I found a company in Minsk, ordered, paid. A week later, the gate was delivered with very high quality welding work and painted, and good bramabox components. I am very satisfied, and the prices are very good, I recommend it to everyone..
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Show business's response
Zmitser Mikalayeu
Level 7 Local Expert
May 13, 2020
Thanks for the gate, it took a long time to choose who to order from - they convinced me that it was more profitable with you. I did not lose. They have been standing for more than a year and are working properly without glitches, like a neighbor)))
I recommend it!
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Артем У.
Level 4 Local Expert
August 3, 2019
I bought components and automation for sliding gates from them. They told us all the details, how to weld, how to install, how to set up the motor. They work conscientiously. I recommend it with confidence!