Хрустящие баклажаны в кунжутной заправке с помидорами черри и кинзой
2990 ₸350 g
Гренки с чесноком
1090 ₸180 g
Жареные караси
2190 ₸350 g
Креветки к пиву
Креветки жареные
3990 ₸250 g
Солянка мясная
1690 ₸300 g
Колбаски говяжьи
Колбаски собственного производства (3 шт.). Подаются с квашеной капустой, картофельными дольками и соусами (2 шт.)
3290 ₸250 g
Кордон блю
3590 ₸300 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
990 ₸150 g
Хачапури по-мегрельски
2190 ₸400 g
Шашлык из мякоти говядины
Говядина на мангале. Подается с лавашом, луком, соусом
The food is delicious here. A cozy summer cottage. It is a great place for a quiet time alone, as well as for meeting with friends. We had a big meeting with friends here, we took up the entire summer holiday. We had a great time, even danced inside. This is not a pretentious luxury place, I'll make a reservation right away. This is an ordinary, clean place. The bathrooms are clean, odorless, and all hygiene products are present. Friendly staff. I recommend.
See original · Русский
Олеся Олеся
Level 7 Local Expert
March 29, 2024
We celebrated my birthday, I really liked it))) the kitchen and bar prices are reasonable, there is a dance floor in the center, which is very convenient, the music for dancing turns on after 22:00 with short breaks. You can come earlier than 22:00 for a couple of hours and relax to sit and talk with background music. I hope we will visit again))
See original · Русский
Level 2 Local Expert
January 2, 2024
Shashl is not a bad meal. Otherwise, I didn't even go in, nothing new, or rather special or interesting may be intriguing here for whom to call... In such a good draft pub, do not think that the assessment is not true, it's just that catering establishments like 9 out of 10 will give you everything they can. Will the guest be able to satisfy himself if half of why I think it's worth going to restaurants, pubs, bars, clubs, even if you're running around on the corner of the house somewhere, I'll remind you again that this is only my personal opinion or worldview, I'll even say it has developed, and that's the whole point that the guests will not get better they can call themselves guests, so how can 8 out of ten people at 9, when they can't understand, see themselves and accept, they just can't, like all of us people, don't understand that in the draft, for example, take me, I didn't go to print reviews, people like that just like me, when I read something like this, I will not understand, only when I finish reading this very intrigue, "why at all?" I read it, and then "why do I print it at all?" And how do you think to answer this question "why at all?" or even just "why?". I think I did not doubt that I started printing this all by submitting a question of another kind to my head Yandex.Browser, I do not want to poke anyone with my finger, as they say, draft 5 is not bad at anything, I wish you prosperity and all the most understanding "why in general" guests came to you. And after that, when someone or something asks them, "what is your impression, did you like the draft?"they remembered that 1 out of 10 pubs in which they got what you could give them and they were able to enjoy it. And to be completely satisfied just from what they found in themselves, they printed a review (here I rather liked myself) or not, or left a bad review... In fact, this may be wrong, but at most my 5th left review in my entire life, more than half of which were left at the request, not like this one, more forced referral. Well, everyone understands how it works, the service is based on reviews, reviews for those who read, and "big Me" just cares what I think. to put the question correctly is what is clear, and I think that now for the first time I really understood what needs to be changed in myself.
Someone will read it for sure. Even if the moderator doesn't miss it, one person will read how I try to express my thoughts in words in this review, and I immediately say I don't even dare to reread it now, the witness deserves it, sorry and thank you. Everyone, everyone is free. It's time to change your outlook on life and influence the reviews, I hope it will be useful for someone else. Except for those who do not understand the question and the answers will lose their meaning.