Didn’t let a pregnant woman on a bus as her husband smelled liquor. Well… he might have as we were celebrating my birthday the other day. Lovely, isn’t it? I had to cancel on our tickets 5 minutes before the ride, as all 20 previous minutes we are begging the driver to let us in. I know it can be annoying when you have to ride with drunk people or mental ones, but wasn’t your driver from the ride a day ago the one who didn’t let the whole bus sleep as he was talking on the phone so loud, I know his family tree better then mine now, and wasn’t the lady behind so wasted, the driver thought of taking her of the bus, yet he was too busy with her troubles. Thanks a lot, guys for the service and all the experience I have to deal with now.
Настя Е.
Level 3 Local Expert
September 7, 2023
The bus broke down 25 minutes after departure from the Kamppi station, Helsinki. Drivers discussing the breakdown, with the phrase "Who knows, maybe we'll get there", started the bus and drove off.
Half an hour before the border, the bus broke down completely and the drivers, without saying a word, without explaining the situation to the passengers, simply got off the bus.
In the middle of nowhere, we waited for a miracle for about three hours. According to what the bus drivers said, the next regular bus of another company will be in 3 hours and if you're lucky, that bus will pick up several people…(sorry what?)
After the same 3 hours, a private bus passed and stopped. The head of the private bus agreed by phone with a manager of ecolines to take responsibility for the second part of the trip of ecolines passengers, but for a fee of € 35. The manager said that the company will return this money to passengers, as well as money for the ticket.
My companions in misfortune, as well as I were disappointed with this trip, since many passengers were late for other transfers in St. Petersburg due to this situation.
35€ in the end, the company refused to return, the whole day was ruined, plans had to be canceled.
I am very disappointed by the neglect
on the part of Ecolines.
I strongly DO NOT recommend using the services of this company, 0 stars.
Anita B.
Level 3 Local Expert
January 4
Сама компания и автобусы хороши.
Единственная и вечная проблема наши сумасшедшие «я же мать»
Рейс от 3.01.2025 Санкт-Петербург-Москва.
Женщина со своим чадом решила, что она летит первым классом, а не едет в атоубсе за 5.000 рублей. Максимально неуважительно не пошла на втсречу , когда попросили не откидывать кресло ребенка мне на колени. На что она начала гундеть, что ее ребнку нужно спать и я как взрослый человеу должна терпеть.
Дорогая, поехавшая мать, если так переживаешь о сыночке, будь добра тратить бабки не на ботокс в своих губах, а на транспорт где твоё чадо отдохнет.
Таких наглючек миллион и практически всегда они идут как дополнительная услуга. Жаль, что нельзя ввести ограничения «без детей» не всем нужны чужие дети в поездках.