Все уже устали от капризов погоды. Хочется больше легкости и свободы. Наконец-то снять теплые пальто и пуховики, надеть платье и красивые ту...
February 6, 14:50
Важное объявление для всех! С 6 апреля по 31 апреля мы предлагаем 20%, 25%, 30% на выборочный ассортимент товаров.
И это еще не все! Выбран...
April 8, 2024, 12:13
All news (5)
Products and services
Updated: February 6
Куртка женская плащевая прямого силуэта длиной до талии, на подкладке. На переде накладные карманы, застежка по борту на молнию. По низу изделия широкая резинка. Рукав длинный двухшовный, в нижней части локтевого шва отлетная шлица. По низу рукава...
399.06 Br
Блузка женская, прямого силуэта, с кокеткой и складками по спинке. В нижней части боковых швов разрезы. Застежка потайная на петли и пуговицы. Воротник со стойкой. Втачной рукав с притачной манжетой, собранной на резинку, и завязками.
279 Br
Пальто женское демисезонное, однобортное, прямого силуэта, длиной до середины бедра, Застежка до верху на 5 пришивных кнопок. Перед с функциональными карманами «щель». Рукав длинный, одношовный. Пальто из мехового трикотажного полотна, на подкладке.
I went to the Elema clothing store in Pinsk and I want to share my impressions. The staff were very kind, attentive and competent, helped to choose a blouse that fit perfectly. I would like to note that the sellers carefully packed the goods, it was very pleasant. The store offers a wide range of products. I recommend it to anyone who wants to update their wardrobe and buy high-quality and stylish clothes. The convenient location and opening hours of the store are also a plus. Many thanks to the store staff for the excellent service!
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Level 6 Local Expert
September 1, 2024
Good afternoon! We were the first visitors to this store today. There was no one in the store at the entrance and only after 5 minutes the seller came, but she did not say hello and did not offer her help, at least out of politeness. I really love the things from Elema for their quality and therefore purposefully came here. I liked some trousers and that's why I bought them, but when paying again, indifference and even arrogance, no comments on her part. At the same time, I just wrapped my trousers on a hanger and gave them away... It's just terrible. In Minsk, they would have already made at least a remark for this. I would like the company to attract only those people who like their work! And not such an attitude when you expect to enjoy shopping, but as a result, the negative from shopping...
See original · Русский
тамара с.
Level 2 Local Expert
March 26, 2023
I would like to thank the staff of the Elema store in Pinsk for excellent service, care and the right approach to the customer! Today I bought a blouse and was very pleased with the choice, and a nice bonus when calculating the purchase was a good discount. thank you!