Топорова Татьяна Владиленовна - who gave you the rights to scream and yelling on weak and tired patients !!
This place is a true curse disappointed, overrated, the worst place I had ever seen in my life, starting from staff to the doctors to Management, all the experience is very bad, we visited this place by ambulance because my wife started to feel labour pain. the reactions of people is really rude and nobody want to explain anything for us, the doctor made my wife under stress over a night, and my wife cried a lot from the doctor who yelling for no reasons just to not respond about the pregnancy situation and they pressed on her with dirty mind games to not move to UDINA hospital and doctor press more on my wife rudly to get the child by natural childbirth not caesarean section without even understood the medical history for my wife Contrary to what all the doctors told us through the period of pregnancy in UDINA, dealed and prepare for us as we took a decsion to make a caesarean with low risky there at 10 july but the labour pain started early at 06 July that’s why we visited this place. I felt too much racism in this place more than any other place in the world, no caring after getting the child for more than 8 hours, no services, the doctor made a horrible surgery with wounds more than (22 CM) unbelievable shape as i attached in photos, who seen this wound before in caesarean surgery ???? it’s not even happend in the the third worl countries , the doctor made it with a too much envy and hatred for something not related to medicine or humanity. My child was 3.8 kg And he lost weight till 2.7 only because the nurses took a decision that they will not help and not answer the questions. (((++my child suckling milk mixed with blood ++))) from my wife’s breast because he hurted her nippels and no body want to help, the nurses only said normal normal and run away, at the end they spoiled the way of breastfeeding and my child now in unhealthy situation. the мфц office in the hospital doesn’t want to register my child only because I am a foreigner (racism) despite having all the legal documents, and she closed the office in the face of my sick wife and What's strange is that the same documents were accepted at the next day in the office (МОИ ДОКУМЕНТЫ). This hospital really killed our happiness by our first child and newborn and now I am trying to find a psychologist or life coach to treat my wife after this bad and horrible experience. this place dishonorable interface for medical and for russia fedration. I visited russia for more than 11 times and never seen this amount of neglect and indifference. I can't move on to get over this difficult experience easily, especially when I saw my wife and first child at the mercy of those rude people who doesn’t care. I decided not to return back here again with my child and my Russian wife,I really feel pain in my heart. at the end i not recommended this ugly place, save your child and your mental health and don’t even cross over this place.
Show business's response
Яна Корешкова
Level 6 Local Expert
July 26
Я рожала 17,5 часа и застала три смены врачей . Каждый профессионал своего дела. Все это время меня окружала великолепная акушерка Галина Викторовна, замечательные доктора , которые с трепетом относятся к роженицам и никогда не оставляют. Корсакова Ирина Сергеевна. Ассистент 1: Осокин Иван Павлович. Операционная медсестра 1: Королева Виктория Владимировна. Анестезиолог: Овчинникова Инна Владимировна. Анестезиологическая медсестра: Марьясова Лариса Михайловна.
После родов меня на сутки положили в послеоперационное отделение( для контроля моего состояния). Я была с докторами , как в санатории. Замечательная медсестра Ольга не давала скучать !
А как же вкусно кормили в после родовом отделение . Каждый день нас с малышом посещали доктора и отвечали на все вопросы, помогали .
Безмерная благодарность за ваш труд и за помощь в родах. Мы с мужем вам очень благодарны и обязательно вернёмся ещё!
Level 7 Local Expert
October 20
Спасибо всему персоналу данного родильного дома!
Как только я зашла в двери-меня окружили тёплом и заботой, через час уже была в род боксе. Врачи, акушерки, санитарки абсолютно все проявляли заботу и вежливость. И это обычные роды по омс, без контракта.
Врач - Беликова Наталья Николаевна, акушерка - Алла Беляева - хочу выразить особую благодарность за работу, небезразличие и искренние переживания!
Лучший роддом!
Дополнительные плюсы - чистота, комфлрт, дали все необходимые расходники. Я даже свою ночнушку для родов не успела вытащить из сумки, как на меня надели местную (хорошее было решение, после родов свою пришлось бы выкинуть сразу).
Одним словом - СПАСИБО.
Выбирала роддом не по направлению, а по рекомендациям и не ошиблась! ❤️