Overall a good store. I would like sellers to pay more attention to the cleanliness of shelves and goods, as well as the availability and compliance of price tags. In addition, the store is huge, and the variety of products of one kind is not pleasing. A huge rack can be filled with goods from one manufacturer, while there can be three of them. Everything else is fine. You can buy anything: groceries, clothes, toys, sports equipment, garden and car tools, small household appliances, etc.
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Олег Фукин
Level 23 Local Expert
June 6, 2023
One of the first hypermarkets built in Ukraine is very beautiful.
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Шаповалов Андрей
Level 7 Local Expert
March 16, 2020
I prefer it, although it is the furthest from my house, but it is large and has a large selection of goods, which means you can always choose exactly what you need in that price category,
If I need citruses, let's say tangerines are expensive 50 no., Then there will also be good oranges of 20 gr. And so in all goods, if you want to take sugar, let's say in bags packed in 15 or go to yourself to mound the crumbs in 10. This is figurative, so that it is clear. A large selection of different products.