It is also called by those who work there Don koo, koo... Training is at the level of the Stone Age, there is no matbase, there is no fuel, the equipment is dead, practical classes are 10% of the required. The teaching staff is strong, but without funding, their work fades and the cadets become just listeners.
See original
E h r e T r e u
Level 15 Local Expert
November 4, 2018
I studied here. Earlier (in Soviet times) it was the DVVPU named after Mr. A.A. Epishev. The best political school of the USSR. Now it's a ruin. It's a pity :-((Ukrainians, they destroyed everything.
See original
дениска ч.
Level 6 Local Expert
June 16, 2020
A good school. Training at the level of the Russian Federation