Черные лингвини с креветкой, кальмарами и страчателлой
Изысканные черные лингвини с морепродуктами в томатном соусе и соусе биск и сливочной страчателлой.
810 ₽300 g
Тальятелле с форелью и брокколи
Паста с кусочками форели,свежим шпинатом,затягивается сливочным соусом с добавлением белого вина и рыбного бульона.
780 ₽220 g
Тальятелле с морепродуктами в соусе Биск
Паста для любителей морепродуктов.Здесь и креветки, и кальмары, и мидии.Соус Биск имеет рыбный ярко выраженный вкус, что делает пасту особенно прекрасной.
730 ₽260 g
Тальятелле "Алла Норма" с баклажанами гриль и сыром страчателла
Популярная сицилийская паста с крупными ломтиками баклажана,сыром рикотта и томатным соусом.Дополнена паста хрустящими чипсами баклажана-фри.
680 ₽220 g
Тальятелле Карбонара
Классическая паста с кусочками бекона и соусом на основе яйца,сливок и сыра пармезан.
640 ₽240 g
Паппарделли трюфельные со сморчками и белыми грибами
Паста домашнего приготовления с насыщенным соусом из грибного отвара, со сморчками и вешенками
640 ₽270 g
Равиоли с рикоттой и шпинатом в сливочном соусе
Равиоли с начинкой из нежного сыра рикотта и свежего шпината под сливочным соусом с ароматным шалфеем.
580 ₽200 g
Пицца цыпленок и скаморца
Филе цыпленка, сыр скаморца, томаты конфи, пармезан, моцарелла, базилик и руккола
850 ₽490 g
Фирменная пицца il pizzaiolo с картофелем и хрустящим беконом
Карамелизованный лук, картофель, сыр, шампиньоны и бекон
The waiter was very rude with me, she refused to take our order unless I removed my jacket and she was taking to me in very disrespectful way.
Weather was very cold and I want to keep my jacket ( it was not wet BTW)
I will not come again.
Show business's response
Jian Hu
Level 3 Local Expert
December 18, 2023
Я никогда не писала плохих отзывов о ресторанах, но это был худший ресторан, в котором я была в Москве и в России. (I've never given a bad review to a restaurant, but this was the worst restaurant I've been to in Moscow and Russia.)
1. Why does the female manager have such a bad attitude towards foreign guests? She asked how many people did each waiting guest have, but she just looked at us and left without asking. Is this polite? Not to mention we understand Russian.
2. Why the female manager treat guests differently? While waiting for our table we were ready to sit down and just because a Russian woman who was already seated for a while wanted to change seats, the manager didn't allow us to sit down.
3. Why the female manager so impatient with guests? So we waited for a long time, and when the next table became empty, we put our things on the chairs, and the female manager very impatiently asked us to go out and wait. I can understand going out and waiting, but why be impatient? Do guests come to dinner to feel your bad emotions?
4. Why is the service level so poor? Serve the wrong food to us.
5. Why deceive guests? When I called to make a reservation, I was told that I didn't need to make a reservation and that the queue would be 15 minutes max. We waited for an hour and received a bad attitude from the service staff even when we were very hungry.
6. Why so stingy about the table? Their tables were small and we ordered a lot of dishes and I requested to put two tables together, their female manager and service staff refused our request and separated the tables. So later, their waiter themselves couldn't find a place to put the dishes, and our mobile phones even fell to the ground because of the crowd on the table.
Finally, we chose your restaurant for celebrating birthday and I regret that this bad experience ruined our good mood. It’s hard for a restaurant with bad service to go far. Good luck to you.
Show business's response
A Alsharif
Level 3 Local Expert
January 5
Delicious Italian food in good location
Julia did an excellent service the girls liked her a lot
Thank you