Устанавливается в перегородки из кирпича, пенобетона, гипсокартона и др
Позволяет сохранить рисунок облицованной поверхности даже при применении декоративных вставок и нестандартной плитки
Не требуется подрезка и подгонка плитки в зоне люка
170 Br
Стальной люк под плитку Lukoff ST 60*60
Надежная сварная конструкция;
Нажимной замок;
Регулируемая дверца по вертикали;
Долговечная сверхпрочная однозвенная петля;
Дверца из влагостойкого гипсоволокна;
Износостойкое полимерное покрытие;
Срок службы не ограничен;
2D и 3D регулиров
We bought a large hatch. The closing mechanism is the cheapest - they tried to adjust it for three hours to close it. As a result, they abandoned this lost cause (they called the company and told us to bend it there and there - I think that a good mechanism does not require extra bending) and bought ordinary magnets that do an excellent job. Also, the hatch is not adjustable in depth, most likely it was painted over so that everything stood up tightly.
Maybe in small hatches everything works with such approaches, but with large ones something needs to be changed
See original · Русский
Level 2 Local Expert
June 28, 2024
hello! we bought a guarantor hatch . the hatch is skewed . one corner is raised . the disappointment is complete . our master 's hands are probably growing from the wrong place , or his conscience went out for a walk and did not return . and what is the guarantor here??? Now look at this marriage every day!
See original · Русский
Level 5 Local Expert
June 20, 2023
A good store for built-in hatches of any design. The guys have their own production, so you can find any size and number of latches.. I always turn to them. The only thing is that it is not convenient to get there without personal transport..