Today 0312.22 I visited the children's store, the so-called world . The seller does not know how to communicate with visitors , and even more so with the kids . After all, small children visit these manazines and you need to be nicer .
I will write a review back to Minsk with a complaint about how sellers behave in the Detsky Mir store.( Vileika )
See original
Level 10 Local Expert
June 16, 2022
I rarely go there very much, but in general the store is not bad. The variety of shoes is "meager" and the sizes are not under their labels, you need to lift each pair of shoes to see the size.
See original
Александр Мацкевич
Level 8 Local Expert
June 15, 2022
The meaning of the store is not clear, I have never seen anyone go there.
The choice is so-so.