A senseless relic of the past and simply the unwillingness of the Ministry of Transport to modernize. Instead of putting vending machines in transport that issue tickets when paying with a card (and such machines stood 6 years ago on the same stone hill, but disappeared), they still put citizens on the minimum wage in these booths. You have a "Pay" (which, by the way, works extremely poorly with transport traveling beyond the MKAD), make online travel cards and vending machines accepting card payments inside transport, free citizens for more useful specialties and make life easier for citizens using the Ministry of Transport.
In the end, ask Muscovites, they will teach you, at least you can contact me, we will do everything 🫡
See original · Русский
Ruslik L
Level 13 Local Expert
February 27, 2022
Бабушками, которые сидят в этих киосках уже давно пора объяснить что такое бесконтактные способы оплаты и почему клиент не обязан передавать им в руки свои банковские карты!
Иван Вишевский
Level 18 Local Expert
November 3, 2021
Хорошая касса продажи талонов и проездных билетов, удобно расположена.