- трансфер на легковых автомобилях, микроавтобусах по всей территории РБ и за ее пределами;
- трансфер: индивидуальный и групповой в/из аэропорта;
- трансфер в/из санаториев, гостиниц;
- индивидуальный, групповой трансфер по достопримечательностям
25 Br
Отдых в Египте с вылетом из Минска, Бреста, Витебска, Гомеля, Гродно Могилева, Киева и Вильнюса
150 Br
150 Br
Прием в Беларуси
Отдых и лечение в санаториях Беларуси. Корпоративное обслуживание. Организация делового туризма, мероприятий "под ключ"
150 Br
Паломнические туры
Паломнические поездки, экскурсии, туры по Святыням и Святым местам Беларуси, России, Израиля, Греции из Москвы
70 Br
Организация концертов
Мы работаем для вас! Для тех, кто любит настоящую, качественную отечественную музыку! За годы успешной работы агентством были организованы выступления многих известных белорусских артистов, среди которых Игорь Аксюта, Алексей Ром, Светлана Шиманская,
150 Br
Экскурсии по Беларуси
Экскурсии по Беларуси: обзорные автобусные, пешеходные и тематические с посещением конкретных мест. Экскурсии для школьников и студентов.
15 Br
Ранее бронирование на лето 2020г. Турция с вылетом из Минска, Бреста, Витебска, Гомеля, Гродно, Могилева, Киева, Вильнюса и Москвы
150 Br
Вся Скандинавия: Таллин, Хельсинки,Турку, Стокгольм, Рига, Фьорды;
Средиземное море: Сицилия, Юг Италии
150 Br
Автобусные туры
Автобусные туры по Европе, Беларуси, Украине, России
Type of tours:ecological, exotic, student, rural tourism, tours for seniors, children, car, individual, ski, shop, weekend, guided, bus, all types of tours, holiday tours, beach, pilgrimage, school, recreational, wedding, cruises, youth, adventure, entertainment, corporate holiday, business tours, gastronomic
Regions of the world:Russia and CIS, Baltic and Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Canada and USA, Central America, South America, Equatorial Africa, North Africa, Middle East and Turkey, South-East Asia, Far east and Japan
Cooperation with tour operators:Alean, Biblio Globus, Coral Travel, TEZ Tour, Solvex Travel, Anex
Country:Liechtenstein, Dominica, Jamaica, South Ossetia, Sudan, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Turkmenia, Monaco, Moldova, Madagascar, Costa Rica, Morocco, Maldives, Honduras, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Venezuela, Romania, Portugal, Poland, UAE, Norway, Monaco, Malta, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Cuba, China, Georgia, Croatia, Malaysia, Fiji, Ukraine, Jordan, Indonesia, Israel, Dominican Republic, Denmark, Panama, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belgium, Australia, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, New Zealand, Singapore, Latvia, Vietnam, United Kingdom, Austria, India, Angola, Ethiopia, Greece, Albania, Italy, Philippines, Belarus, Tajikistan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Slovenia, Thailand, Taiwan, Finland, France, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Estonia, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Tunisia, Mexico, Andorra, Bali, Abkhazia, Spain, Cyprus
We traveled with a company to St. Petersburg. I really liked it!
See original · Русский
Лера А.
Level 3 Local Expert
December 27, 2022
The organization of the tour is disgusting. We went on a bus tour to Georgia in August 2022. The accompanying Evgenia "accompanied" both sides of the trip. Incompetent, does not have any information, does not know how to organize the people she accompanies, as if she was there only for beauty and to collect money for seats on the bus. Who decides to go on a tour by bus - be prepared for the fact that you need to buy seats because you risk going in the shape of the letter ZY on the last row of the bus with 4 of the same lucky people. Special thanks were given by the drivers of the return bus, for the bus stuffed to the ceiling, where they even took places to rest, which always remain for the drivers. Again, I admire the work of the escort, who collected tribute at the border "for fast travel", eventually arrived at the place at 7 a.m. and waited until 11 a.m. for check-in (someone was less lucky and they were settled only at 14.00). The return check-out was also immediately at 18.00, then at 20.00, eventually left for 21.30. the owners of the hotel themselves began to be blown away by your organizational skills. And yes, the bus "there" after the serpentine (the time interval is about one o'clock in the morning) and reached its destination (about 7-7.30 in the morning), not without the help of the prayers of those traveling in it, making such a frantic screech that the whole of Georgia probably heard its arrival. Of course, there was no question of any sleep. Thank you very much for an unforgettable experience! I will never contact anyone again and I do not advise others, at least they definitely have trouble with bus mornings. If you don't know how to organize, don't take it.