When you start working with this company, you realize that only it can supply these products. It's hard for me to judge how much an average manager gets. But I know for sure that he makes the decision: to work with you or not to work; to communicate with you or not to respond to messages. Whether he wants to accept applications or does not want to accept applications, this is entirely the decision of the manager and the ROPA of this company. It's not so much the fact that the company is a monopolist that upsets you, but the fact that employees from the second floor look at you and lead you.
If at Noyaks, "The manager does not communicate with clients, but only accepts applications" - that's how the ROP informed me. I will give advice to the business owner, there are CRM systems with order forms. For such work, you can put any person off the street for 750p per month, +100p for IP telephony, +150p per month for CRM. Pros: will take orders 24/7; always respond politely; will always be in touch; knows exactly the assortment; the customer will know for sure whether his order is coming or not. And there will definitely be fewer claims. Plus, you can add a viar menu to display additional information, if desired.