Сочные колбаски домашнего приготовления “на один укус”, подаются с картофелем фри и горчичным соусом
3490 ₸400 g
Чечевичный суп
1490 ₸300 g
Пицца Маргарита
30 см
2290 ₸400 g
Паста Альфредо
2790 ₸400 g
Стейк антрекот из говядины на кости, обжаренный на гриле. Подается с картофелем, помидором гриль и соусом Паприкаш
4990 ₸400 g
Жареный картофель с говядиной и грибами
Обжаренный до золотистой корочки картофель с луком
2590 ₸300 g
Теппаньяки с курицей
Обжаренные с соевым соусом и перцем чили ломтики куриного бедра, приготовленные с рисом, брокколи, цветной капустой, перцем светофор, шампиньонами, яйцом и красным луком, с добавлением кунжутного масла.
Украшается перьями зеленого лука
2690 ₸400 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
The staff, the atmosphere are all at the highest level. I rarely leave tips. But here the hands themselves are asked to leave for such competent service. The kitchen is just a fire. Especially cream mushroom soup I don't remember the name)
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Гульсара Мухамеджанова
Level 6 Local Expert
May 14, 2024
A good place to meet friends, the interior is average, the portions are small, the staff is good, the waiting time is short, the service is fast
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Дильназ Асанова
Level 2 Local Expert
September 12, 2022
Good evening! Today we were sitting with my husband in your branch, which is located in the Mall Aport shopping center at the bar, everything was very cool thanks for the service everything was at the highest level. But one moment spoiled our evening: some girl and her husband were also sitting and at one point they came and started throwing a tantrum, allegedly money was stolen from her, and in fact we noticed her bag behind the bar, the bag stood there for at least 30 minutes and after that she said that she had money in her bag in the amount of 48 thousand and began to present it to the bartender. And we wanted to order a cocktail to the bartender, but they wouldn't let him work, and my husband told them to calm down, because the bartender promised that he would look at the cameras and then tell them. And then they started telling us not to interfere, they knew their place and started insulting us. And my husband wanted to talk adequately, but it turns out to be useless to talk adequately with these people. Conclusion: People simply did not have money, they wanted to eat for free, make a boil and leave. Special thanks to Nursultan for resolving the whole situation and sending us all home safe and sound.