A good place, a park near this monument, you can always sit in silence, in the evening, under lights and music, in spring and summer birds sing, butterflies fly, players play different games, you can always play for interest, there are photographers, you can take pictures, for memory. Broadway is not far away, very interesting, there is everything, any entertainment, artists, cafes, stargazers, astronomers, striptease for the older generation, artists write to you for memory, for money, and there are those who sell, and all this passes through the park, on the corner of the famous corner, tobacco chickens, affordable prices Only the legs are small, well, it seemed to me, a little to the right of the museum, Amir Temur. On the other corner is the editorial office, still old, from those times. There is still a smell of fresh newspapers there. In the middle of the city hokim' yat and chimes. , hotel UZBEKISTAN, and much more. These are our traditional sights.