Деревянный каркас, крыша андулин, площадь общая 71.0м2, жилая 42.8м2, кухня 14.5м2. Дер.ст.пакеты, мет.дв.дверь, межк.двери МДФ.
Центральные газо-, водо- и электроснабжение, мест.канализация. Отопление газовое.
Цена экв.65000$
191367 Br
Дача Смолевичский р-н, Жодинский с/с, с/т "Строитель-Калюшки"
2-х этаж.кирп.дом с шиф.крышей, площадь 79м2, 3 жилые комнаты, есть балкон, 3 санузла (2 в домах, 1 на улице), душ, унитаз, умывальник.
Печное отопление, своя скважина, местная канализация. Участок 5 сот.
Цена экв.55000$
161926 Br
Дача, д.Чирвоный Берег, с/т Восход-6 (Пуховичское напр.60км)
2 этажный дом 1998 г. (дерево обложено кирпичом), общая площадь 55.7м2, шиферная крыша, стеклопакеты ПВХ, печное отопление.
На участке 8.52 соток есть сарай-пристройка, летняя кухня, навес, летний душ.
Цена экв.12000$
I had previously negotiated the price with the agent and the landlord for the purchase of the landlord's house and even signed a contract, but for various reasons I was postponed for three months. He said he didn't want to buy the house and withdrew it from the sale. A month later, they put the house up for sale and raised the price by $10,000.
See original · Русский
Анжелика Жигалова
Level 6 Local Expert
June 16, 2024
I'm always lucky to have good people, but to make a deal to sell an apartment LIKE THIS!!!- you have to be Great professionals. This is all about the Realtor House agency. Knowledge and analysis of the market, the ability to work with clients, tact, a well-thought-out and implemented plan. Thanks a lot to Natalia Ivanovna and Yuri Mikhailovich. I recommend it!
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Наталья Л.
Level 2 Local Expert
September 22, 2023
I was very pleased with the work of the agency, in particular the work of Natalia Ivanovna. A professional approach, we easily found an approach to all participants in the transaction, helped to make all the necessary documents and, of course, carried out all the necessary checks so that the transaction was as clean and transparent as possible. I would like to turn to such professionals in my field again! Many thanks to the director of the agency, Yuri Mikhailovich, for his personal help and support at all stages of the transaction.