Payment method:prepayment, postpay, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer, cashless payment
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, bonuses, gifts
Types of electrical products:lighting masts, spotlights, lighting systems, outdoor lighting poles, high-mast supports, power supports, industrial lamps, DC drives, converter equipment, AC and DC motors, control cabinets, switches and TACs, chokes and reactors, safeties, insulation monitoring devices, switchboards ATS SRN, power regulators, transformer substations, switchgears, vacuum circuit breakers, charging stations for electric vehicles, industrial connectors, cable sockets and plugs, power cable, equipment for power lines, high-voltage and panel equipment, low-voltage equipment, electric power generators, lightning protection, Instrumentation and automation
Нормальная компания, привозят все в срок, всегда предлогают и подбирают кбель от потребности и вида работ, есть отмотка, могут нарезать нужны длинами. Пекомендую в общем.
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Оксана Ястребова
Level 9 Local Expert
August 20
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