Good market, we usually go there to buy commodities. And, the costs are also not so expensive, I mean they are affordable
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Шохсанам Ергешбаева
Level 2 Local Expert
September 22, 2024
Spasibo bolshoye, seni horoshiye
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Светлана Дусакова
Level 3 Local Expert
December 12, 2024
The greens are not fresh and heavy, the scales are inconveniently cramped, often the vegetables are frozen, sluggish. The buns are not fresh, but they are delicious. There are no large dough boards (for meat in Kazakh), large rolling pins (80cm,100cm),no enameled dishes for our hot dishes (meat in Kazakh, pilaf, manty,kuyrdak, etc. )
This is taking into account that the store is located in a new place where there are many new houses.
There are many more things you need, contact us if you are interested.