For small buyers, entry is "strictly prohibited")))) They do not consult willingly, the price is high. Half of the submitted samples are on order for up to 2 5 months. In the presence of a unit of goods. I wanted to order a built-in wardrobe in sizes 60 × 2400, I need to buy a sheet of chipboard 2000 × 24000, use a third and the rest .....? In short, it is unclear. I didn't order it. I turned to another cut. I do not recommend it.
See original · Русский
Level 9 Local Expert
May 2
a beautiful, clean and comfortable showroom, you can see, touch and select all the necessary materials, the consultant is polite and knows their product well, conducted a tour, told and showed everything that was interesting to me
See original · Русский
Level 8 Local Expert
November 29
A glamorous office that got stuffed. I brought the product (the cover of the office desk) and asked to make it according to the sample. Then the performance began - we don't do this, we can't measure our crooked hands, we'll do something wrong, you'll be offended... measure it yourself, cut it yourself, and just pay us the money! The beauties!