Нежное миндальное тесто(безе). Крем на основе белого шоколада, взбитых сливок, с добавлением пюре малина
465 ₸25 g
Сырники классические
Классические сырники - это творожные оладьи, которые готовят из творога. Их обжаривают на сковороде с двух сторон до золотистой корочки. Подаются сырники горячими со сметаной, вишневым соусом и посыпается сахарной пудрой и сублимированной смородиной
A good place to sit with friends or with a significant other , the interior is cozy , the waiters are friendly, the coffee is good and the kitchen is delicious and quickly cooked , there is always a large flow of people , which indicates positive impressions of people
See original · Русский
Olga K.
Level 5 Local Expert
July 26
The taste of the dishes and the service leave much to be desired... It feels like the cook is an intern. I used to often stop by here to have a snack or buy coffee. I recently visited this place for breakfast, an omelet with chicken and mushrooms drowned in sunflower oil on a plate. The author's tea with orange was brewed from a bag and absolutely tasteless. There were no oranges in the tea, by the way. You can call the waiters from the third time... In general, the impression is on the top three...