Оптимальное сочетание материалов и выверенный баланс жесткости делают эту модель самой популярной в коллекции. В основе – система Medizone, натуральные конопляные волокна, кокосовая койра и упругий латекс для правильного положения тела во время сна.
437.75 Br
Матрас Vegas L5
Модель для абсолютных максималистов на основе самого высокого из возможных латексного монолита с семью зонами жесткости. Природная упругость и уникальный ортопедический эффект.
960 Br
Матрас Vegas R4
Симметричная модель, в которой жесткость кокосовой койры сочетается с высоким комфортом блока независимых пружин.
There are no complaints about the work of consultants
There are complaints to the manufacturer, they ordered a bed with a lifting mechanism, and after 3 months of waiting, it was made and delivered.
We took it away and disassembled it ourselves, the base under the mattress turned out to have no holes for the mechanism, we had to drill ourselves and spend a lot of time
The salon offered to change it, of course, but we had to wait another 3 weeks.
I would like to return the difference in the price of the base for the lifting mechanism, to which the answer was that there was no difference.
Who is monitoring the shipment of orders at all? It is not clear how the kit is checked.
And the delivery is 50 rubles, even a cargo taxi is cheaper)
See original · Русский
Людмила Воднева
Level 4 Local Expert
September 27, 2019
The service is excellent!!! The product is of high quality, you can lie down on the mattresses before buying!!!