Материал: Металл, полимерная покраска, дерево-ольха.
Страна производства: Беларусь
22.46 Br1 pcs.
Гном с лопатой средний (45 см)
50.4 Br1 pcs.
Дрель электр.бытовая WERKER ID 1052 (ударн.1050Вт.2ск.2800об/мин)
Дрель электр.бытовая WERKER ID 1052 (ударн.1050Вт.2ск.2800об/мин) подходит для бытового применения. Оснащена ключевым трехкулачковым патроном на 13 мм. Для использования с материалами разной твердости предусмотрено 2 скорости вращения до 2800 обор...
I like to visit this store for 50 years)))
A good selection of goods, reasonable prices, the possibility of pre-booking goods online.
I would like more products for winemaking!
There is NO specialized store in Brest(((
I couldn't find a funnel with a wide drain for the bottle...
See original · Русский
Level 6 Local Expert
October 7
We would like to thank the store's sales specialists for their responsiveness, attentiveness and desire to help. We consulted and advised. We are happy with the purchase.
The store has a wide selection and excellent product display. We recommend it.
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Психолог • Альберт Казарян • Магистр
Level 13 Local Expert
September 15, 2023
" in Brest:
The 1000 Little Things store in Brest is a real paradise for lovers of various little things and accessories. Here you will find a huge selection of products for home, office, holidays and more.
The store offers a wide range of products at affordable prices. You can find everything you need here - from kitchen utensils and interior items to gifts and souvenirs.
The quality of the goods in the "1000 little things" store is pleasantly surprising. They are durable and functional, which makes them an excellent choice for everyday use.
In addition, the store staff is always ready to help and give recommendations on the choice of products. They are friendly and professional, which creates a pleasant shopping atmosphere.
In general, the "1000 little things" store in Brest is a great place for pleasant and useful purchases. Here you will find everything you need and, perhaps, even what you have not thought about. I recommend looking there if you are looking for something interesting and convenient for your life.