Поздравляем всех женщин с самым весенним и нежным праздником — 8 Марта!
Желаем вам, чтобы каждый день Вашей жизни был наполнен любовью и ув...
March 7, 12:36
Погрузитесь в мир программирования Minecraft!
Майнкрафт 🕹 - это игра в которой возможно практически все, даже обучение 📕
Именно с этой цел...
February 27, 11:06
Мы рады сообщить о курсе майнкрафт на весенних каникулах!
✅ С 24 марта по 28 марта (5 дней каникул);
✅Для детей 7-12 лет;
✅ 5 занятий по 1...
February 25, 07:53
Состоялось первое занятие по дополнительному курсу KODU GAME LAB🎮
Познакомились с интерфейсом Kodu Game Lab, научились управлять камерой, ...
February 17, 18:08
All news (9)
Products and services
Updated: February 27
3Д программирование
196 Br8 ac.hour
Робототехника 5-6 лет
Игровая робототехника для дошкольников. Учимся программировать в игровой форме весело и с пользой!
196 Br8 ac.hour
Робототехника 6-7 лет
Научитесь программировать персонажей, управлять невероятными роботами, создавайте 3D проекты с помощью 3D ручки и на компьютере, отправьтесь в путешествие в страну "Электричество" изучив схемотехнику!
The child goes to classes with pleasure, exciting activities, competent teachers, good motivation for students.
There is even its own monetary unit: robocoins, for which you can buy certain toys made of safe plastic on a 3D printer.
I really liked that there is feedback after each lesson in the form of a lesson structure and a photo report in Viber.
Periodically, the teacher gives feedback on the child's progress, which is very valuable!
Special attention and approach to each student!
Ivan is a wonderful teacher. His son loves his studies very much. He runs with pleasure to every lesson.
Robbo Club is a wonderful place for children where they can immerse themselves in the world of robotics and programming.
The training programs are diverse and include both theoretical classes and practical projects, which allows children to develop their skills in an exciting way.
Special thanks to Victoria's manager! A very pleasant and competent specialist!
We always recommend this school to everyone!
See original · Русский
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Андрей Жуков
Level 4 Local Expert
January 26
A great place for a child to learn the basics of physics, entry-level programming, and applied mathematics. Applied materials, 3D pens, and construction kits such as Znotok are used. The child has been taking courses with pleasure for more than a year, trying to understand the course of study. We have been taking courses since we were 5 years old, before there was no interest in a computer, now I am a confident user. I would like to express my deep gratitude to mentor Ivan for his patience, he finds a common language with the children, even though they are not yet schoolchildren, and they like to have fun. The administrators are always polite and try to help if you have any questions. In general, the child is satisfied with the courses, and the parents are satisfied with the interest in knowledge.
See original · Русский
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Евгения Градусова
Level 2 Local Expert
February 19
My son has been studying robotics for the first year and he really likes it. Special thanks to teacher Olga, she is very attentive to children and gives feedback.
Any messages on the organization of work, weekends and other issues are always clearly and on time, everything is clearly thought out. The child rides with pleasure, he has never missed it.
We recommend it to friends when they consult.
Thank you for your work!