Число талантливых специалистов, которые ушли или планируют уйти из офиса в самозанятость, растет. Люди стремятся наполнить деятельность смыслом и ценностями. Многие хотят ощущать полезность труда, достигать своих, а не чужих целей.
350 Br
Коучинг баланса жизни
Баланс между жизнью и работой – это не статическое состояние. Основной индикатор – ваша удовлетворенность, наличие энергии и интереса, а также ваше самочувствие, жизненный тонус и прогнозирование, что с этим будет при сохранении данного режима.
350 Br
Карьерный коучинг
Найти собственное призвание, чтобы работа приносила не только деньги, но и удовольствие – об этом сегодня задумывается множество людей. А как понять собственные потребности и ценности и максимально реализовать имеющийся потенциал?
350 Br
Игровая коучинговая методика УниверсУм®
Мощный инструмент для быстрого достижения амбициозных целей.
525 Br
Коучинг первых лиц
Спрос на коучинг растет. Например, 70% топ-менеджеров и собственников компаний из списка Fortunе-500 используют еxecutive-коучинг, чтобы достигать высоких результатов в бизнесе и для личностного развития.
525 Br1 ac.hour
Корпоративный коучинг
Работа по увеличению производительности сотрудника, улучшению показателей его деятельности. Внедрение изменений, поиск новых подходов, способов решения задач. Включает изменения в бизнесе и необходимость измениться самому сотруднику.
350 Br
Диагностика команды
Оценка актуального состояния команды по модели 5F. Оценка потенциала команды. Рекомендации и программа развития.
I want to express my gratitude to Anastasia. An amazing specialist in his field who will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time.
First, we form a request, and then we start working with it.
The human brain is designed in such a way that it sets itself blocks, barriers, restrictions, we do not allow ourselves to achieve our goals or simply in a stupor in solving some task. Coaching is an amazing tool to break them down.
Anastasia is absolutely unobtrusive and very adept at showing these blocks from the outside and destroying them together. The brain accelerates to such an extent that it seems nothing is impossible on the way to the goal.
See original
Евгения П.
Level 3 Local Expert
October 14, 2022
I think coaching started for me even before I got to Anastasia. I have never been to a coach and did not understand what would happen and how. But before the meeting, I had to formulate a request, think about myself, why I was going, and so on. I had a month to "spy" on myself. And you know, it's already worth signing up for just that. If you do this, you will be able to learn a little more about yourself.
Anastasia is pleasant to talk to.
She helped me look at some things more broadly, shared ideas. When the horizons expand, it becomes easier to move.
My opinion is that such meetings are important and you need to try at least once. If you like it, be sure to continue.
See original
Show business's response
Olga Sankevich
Level 2 Local Expert
July 6, 2022
I would like to share my impressions of the team coaching conducted by Anastasia.
1. I want to evaluate the first thing - Anastasia helped each team member to open up, to speak out those points that were difficult to voice in the workflow, but they affected productivity, to better understand each other, and to identify at an early stage team members who were prone to burnout, in order to avoid losing a key employee.
2. What is very important, she helped to find the strengths and weaknesses of the team and individually of each of its members, which gave an understanding of who should and can do what, and where the employee's effectiveness will be maximized.
3. The training provided an understanding of how to select a team, what criteria to follow, except for Prof. and what qualities can and should still be evaluated.
The result of working with her was the unification of the team, a better understanding of those people with whom you work side by side, overcoming the team crisis at an early stage and, most importantly, motivation to grow above yourself and strive for common goals in any situation.