Fantastic, the result on the face, I went to continue coding for the second time, I was encoded from fat by 10 kg, it's a pity I didn't ask enough for the first time, I lost 11 kg in 3 months, I thank her, I wish her great health to Dr. Shushkevich Lyubov Mikhailovna for such a high result. She is a sorceress and her Dovzhenko method and not only, not only is it important that she is a wonderful psychotherapist, finally someone blocked my brain with this pleasure of eating. But now the pleasure is high from freedom from food, the stomach does not suck more, I eat just because I need to. Shushkevich's methods are super fertile, ready to follow her to the ends of the earth. Minus 30 is now asked on 08/02/2020. I'm crazy about her, super, respect, super doctor Dr. Shushkevich Lyubov Mikhailovna. I'm an admirer of yours. From Irina 101 kg. Gomel