Высшее образование с применением дистанционных технологий. Обучение в аккредитованном вузе. Дипломы государственного образца. Стоимость за семестр (полгода) от 34400 руб.
Сроки обучения 3 - 4,5 года, в зависимости от предыдущего образования
Form of teaching:remote, correspondence, part-time, online
Training areas:human resource management, informatics, oil and gas business, electrical power engineering, electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnics, economics, management, jurisprudence, sociology, social work, psychology, land management, pedagogy, state and municipal administration, tourism and hospitality, logistics
Direction of college:electrical engineering, consumer goods technology, education, computer science and engineering, geology and mineral exploration, law, social work and publishing, design, service and tourism