Hall 2 is tired, old-fashioned, but cozy, but there are very significant disadvantages: the chairs are very very narrow, it is difficult to carry a jacket and a bag, I had to hold the bag on my knees the whole session, there was little room for my legs, the chairs were dirty, as in dust and streaks, very narrow and most uncomfortable armrests, unpleasant in the hall the smell of cheese popcorn, you can't buy tickets online without intermediaries, the ticket office looks like a watchman's booth and the cashier there listens to music with headphones, you have to distract her and wait until she takes out the headphones, which you haven't seen anywhere else), according to the image - it's not always clear, they let you out on the street at the last session, there is no way to use the restroom. The pros are sound, screen size, and there are cute sofas in the lobby.If the chairs were more comfortable, they would walk intermittently.