Заказать печать, изготовление наклеек и стикеров в Минске
Наклейка любого размера и формы, цветная / матовая / глянцевая пленки и самоклеющаяся бумага, контурная резка и резка штучно. Любой тираж. ООО Большая типография выполнит Ваш заказ качественно и точно в срок.
I don't know what the printing quality of this printing house is, because they just turned me down. Calling the printing house to consult, the girl said: "as I understand it, do you need more budget? (Although we didn't say we needed a bigger budget, we just asked for prices.) You need to go to another printing house. (!) This is not our level." That is, just to dismiss and maybe humiliate the client, is that okay?
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Маргарита Леминович
Level 7 Local Expert
December 5, 2019
they make products well.sometimes there are difficulties in processing documents by bank transfer. but in general it's not bad
See original
Show business's response
Level 8 Local Expert
December 7, 2019
Excellent printing house.
Good quality (there is something to compare it with). Everything is always clear.
I recommend.