Пенне, кабачки, обжаренные на оливковом масле с добавлением соуса песто
2590 ₸0 g
Чесночный багет
1290 ₸0 g
Курица в кисло-сладком соусе
Куриное филе в соусе свитчили подаётся с рисом
3590 ₸0 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
Kitchen - top, panorama - top, music and bar - top. You can't rate it badly. Of the disadvantages, what can be distinguished is that you can't hide from the wind, but in summer it's the most important thing. The roof and the sunset in Karate are a double pleasure.
See original · Русский
Level 11 Local Expert
July 30, 2023
A large four-storey building, it is not immediately clear where to go. It's almost a maze. The waiters, instead of telling you where to go (especially if this is your first time in such an institution), behave biased (-1)
The building has an elevator, on the ground floor there is a large hall with a bar, but at the time of my arrival it was completely empty. There are also VIP booths with karaoke, with a capacity of up to 15 people
On the fourth floor there is a terrace with access to a balcony. I haven't been on the second and third floors, so I don't know what's there.
The food, including drinks, is quite delicious (+1)
See original · Русский
Айдана Туралиева
Level 7 Local Expert
March 25, 2024
Delicious dishes. There are programs on holidays. There is VIP, VIP karaoke. There is a dance floor and a disco in the common room