Convenient location for residents of the Sputnik massif and the Sergeli-1 and Sergeli-2 massifs and new buildings of Yangihat. Gasoline is poured correctly. The quality is good. After the reconstruction, a car wash was opened there and new gas stations were installed where refueling takes place. There is no need to get out of the car, everything is done by the assistant of the gas station operator. From this gas station there is a convenient traffic light in the direction of the metro Satellite and the Basket.
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Юсуфжон Умаров
Level 5 Local Expert
December 14, 2023
3 oy oldin skuterga 80 benzin oldim rangi to'q sariq. Ushandan keyin skuter buzildi. Balki benzinni deb masdur. Lekin yaqinda yangi skuterga quygandam yana 80 yana usha to'q sariq rang. Bu marta ataylab benzin kam qolganda bakni tekshirdim ichidan bilmiman qramtir yog'ga o'xshagan musur chiqti.
O'zimga vada berdim bironta joyda benzin qolmasayam shu yerdan qaytib olmayman
Level 8 Local Expert
November 13, 2023
Filled 92, worse than 80. When I decided to drain it, it turned out to be a dark liquid with an incomprehensible smell. I went to Sergeli 4 and filled 92 there. The car said: Thank you.