Мошенники. Дали авто с поломкой. Пришлось возвращать. Нарушили свои планы. Категорически не советую.
Fraudsters. They gave me a car with a breakdown. I had to return it. They ruined their plans. I absolutely do not recommend it.
Екатерина Сасковец
Level 3 Local Expert
September 26, 2024
The best rental, there are cars without collateral, everything is quickly arranged through the website, cars for any choice, very nice people, even without knowing English, say Vibe and you won't get yourself any problems
See original · Русский
игорь а.
Level 4 Local Expert
February 5
disgusting company.I made a deposit for the car in cash.The deadline has passed and the money is not refunded.it's been 3 months and every time they write that we apologize, etc.