I do not recommend using the paid services of this organization, the company's employees are bred for money. My car didn't start last week - the battery ran out. When buying a car as a gift, there was a technical support card, which should be provided by GlobalacAssist LLC. I called this company and gave them my support card number. The dispatcher replied that the service is provided free of charge only in regional cities. My car was at a distance of 300 meters from the Minsk sign. Since this is no longer Minsk, but the village of Kopishche (New Borovaya), the dispatcher said that the service would be paid for me, the cost of the service would be 30 rubles and payment is accepted only in cash (the site indicates the possibility of non-cash payment). I agreed, a call came soon, the man said that he would come to "light up" my car in 25-30 minutes. After his call, I went to the website of this company, in the "paid services" section there is a price list, according to which the cost of "lighting" a car during the day in Minsk is 20 rubles. It is also indicated that this city tariff is valid at a distance of up to 5 km. from Minsk! Let me remind you that my car was parked at a distance of 300 meters from the Minsk sign. The memo to my technical support card states that this card gives a 10% discount on paid technical assistance services from GlobalacAssist LLC. That is, this service should have cost 18 rubles for me. instead of the 30 rubles voiced by the dispatcher. I realized that I was being bribed for money. I called back the man who was coming to help me (I called back exactly 15 minutes after his call), asked if I could cancel the order. He replied that yes, I can. But since he left for me, I have to partially pay for the service. I asked how I should pay for it if only cash is accepted. The man replied that I should put 10 rubles on the phone number from which he called. To this I replied that he did not come to me, this service is provided free of charge in Minsk. The man said that he would tell the dispatcher about the refusal of the service and I would be blacklisted. In the evening, I dialed this company again, and the same dispatcher girl answered the call. She began to tell me about the costs they had incurred, about the fact that I had to put 10 rubles on the phone, about the blacklist. There was no answer to my question as to how she would legally justify what they were offering me to do. I even wonder how they were going to provide me with a check. When I asked where their office was, the dispatcher replied that they did not have an office. She refused to give me the phone number of the head, said she would tell the head to call me himself during working hours. Naturally, the head does not call me back. Thanks to everyone who read to the end. I do not advise anyone to deal with this company. My next action is to contact the IMNS.