Unfortunately, my problem has not been solved.
Today I purchased a stick heating system, which is for 20 uses. But during the day I realized that she was not suitable for me. I wrote to support can I turn it in, add money and buy a heating system with a block? In the retail network, I asked about the principle of operation and the difference in operation between two devices (stick and with a block), but I was assured by 2 sellers at 2 different points that they did not have a difference in operation. It turned out that there is. No one said that the stick distributes power between 20 uses during 1 charge cycle, and that the first half of the time, after I inserted the stick into the device, it smokes well, and then the power decreases and half of the cigarette smokes terribly (Icos has no such problem with the unit, since there is a single charge and there is no power redistribution, which means that all the time I smoke 1 stick, it stretches well.....it was announced to me that yes, it is designed for 20 sticks and there is no difference in the quality of smoking.
I voiced this situation to the support staff and that this device was not suitable for me, but it turned out that it was impossible to hand it over, add money and buy a device with blocks. And in this case, you do not give discounts for the purchase of a new device. There is a recommendation program for a friend, but this is essentially an advertisement for you, and I do not want to advertise your device, since at the moment I myself have a problem using it. As a result, the support staff could not offer me anything else and I was left with wasted money and a device that is not comfortable to smoke(
Unfortunately, the customer orientation of your company, alas, is missing. The competence of your employees in retail outlets is very weak