Payment method:Fast payment system, online, payment by credit card, QR code, prepayment, cashless payment, payment by card, contactless payment, bank cheque, discount system, electronic money, discounts on services preferential categories, cash on delivery, cash, bank transfer
Promotions:bonuses, promotions, discounts, special offers, gifts
Cuisine:chef's, shashlik, halal, meat, turkish, arabian
Type of place:Family restaurant, Meat restaurant, shashlik house, elite restaurant, fast food, Halal restaurant, family friendly, steakhouse
Types of delivery:own courier service
Number of tables:44–88
Summer terrace
Located in the food court
Special menu:grilled chicken, shawarma, grill
Features institution:animal friendly, car service, free parking, children's animation, conducting stand-ups, own bakery, cookery, there is a banquet hall, allowed with a laptop, open kitchen