Цена указана за ремонт скола до 20 мм. общего диаметра.
Гарантия 12 мес.
69 Br1 pcs.
Остановка трещины лобового стекла
Ремонт в себя включает: мойку трещины, обезжиривание, засверливание и заполнении высококачественным термо- и хим. стойким полимером части трещины до 10 см.
Гарантия, что не пойдёт дальше 6 мес.
69 Br1 pcs.
Ремонт большого скола (более 20 мм. диаметром)
Ремонт включает в себя подготовку повреждения , заполнение высококочественным полимером и сушку под УФ-излучением.
Гарантия 12 мес.
100 Br1 pcs.
Ремонт тре щины целиком
Цены указана приблизительная.
Ремонт трещины в себя включает:
1⃣Промывку трещины в 3 этапа от загрязнений;
3⃣Отдельную работу со сколом, если он есть;
5⃣Проклейку высококачественным полимером;
Гарантия, что н...
приехал без записи но хоть так человек помог спасибо ему огромное.
Herkese merhaba arkadaslar buraya on camda catlak oldugu icin geldim, gercekten gelmekle iyi etmisim camda problem kalmadi, tamiri yapan arkadasin ingilizce ve fransizca bilmeside cok iyi oldu. Tavsiye ederim.
Hi, everyone i came to here for fix crack on my front car window, well i made a great choice to come right place. Also person could speak english and french well so you will not get any language barrier here. I suggest everyone.
Also thanks a lot for fix and kindly talk. i really appreciate that.
Show business's response
Евгений Р.
Level 4 Local Expert
December 11, 2024
Super specialist!
Handled the chip on the windshield.
Alexey did all the work in less than an hour. There is no trace of the chip left.
But in addition to the quality of work, it is worth noting the customer orientation. Pleasant communication, free coffee/tea in a cafe nearby and a kind attitude to customers.
I was also pleased with the cost of the work, compared with similar services.
And with all this, Alexey also gives a guarantee for his work.
Other services said, "We will do everything, but we do not give any guarantee."
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Абв Абв
Level 3 Local Expert
November 21, 2024
A good master, does the work efficiently. I handled two windshield chips of about 15 mm in diameter each, the master did it in about 1h20min, took 120 rubles for the work. While I was waiting, I managed to have tea at a cafe nearby, where tea/coffee is free for Alexey's clients. I am satisfied with the pleasant communication and, most importantly, the quality of the work.